Having got buzzed from riding in the eye of the storm at Ballyhoura the previous weekend, Saturday was the turn of Portumna forest park.

Portumna forest park is on the North bank of Lough Derg and is only 480 hectares. What a superb job Coilte has done with these 2 trails. There is also a small beginner loop, Woodland Trail. This is a perfect place to start mountain biking. It is only 1 hour drive from UL in Limerick.

Who says bikes and hikers can't mix!
There actually is a golf course in the middle of the forest and both trails cross the car park at club entrance.

Golf course crossing
There is a wooden bridge and some small sections of boardwalk but the terrain does not need it as much as in Ballyhoura.

The previous week's storm was evident with one tree uprooted and fallen on the trail.

As the map shows both trails share the start, where they split, the natural way to go is the green Rinmaher, on a really sweet fast section. There are not really hills but it's not totally flat either.

Night biking!
Coming around a sharp corner I saw some evidence people have been night biking here with a reflector strapped to a tree. This would be the perfect location for night biking and with my new lights recommended by McG I am aiming to have my first night biking experience since Bottle Forest in Christchurch in 2000, soon.
Going south where the trails parts ways leads one towards Lough Derg and circumventing Bonaveen point - just gorgeous riding and scenery, so peaceful.

Note that according to a posted sign the toilets are closed for the Winter and early spring because of water pipe damage. Hopefully these can be fixed sooner rather than later - I had to bury my waste.
Hopefully a trip to Derroura in Galway is not in the too distant future, In the meantime with my in-laws 25 minutes drive from Portumna I plan on visiting frequently! Print this post
1 comment:
Thanks for the write-up Tom, the bug has well and truly bitten now, 2 weekends on the trot. The photos really bring it to life, but where are you in them, were you really there? :) Got into Dublin mountains last weekend, nice weather - if cold - but conditions "under-wheel" were brutal and challenging: mud - frozen and otherwise - snow, ice, more mud. The challenge on these winter rides is post-ride, the bike and body hosedown, need to get all that mud off and keep that bike hummin!
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