Just thought I may as well share my thoughts on last Saturday's event....North Tipp Sprint
750m swim, 20k cycle, 5k run...about 250 competitors....I came 81st!...king of mediocrity!
All good...a thoroughly enjoyable day. Good crowd, good weather, very well organised..
Very happy with the swim.....I experienced a little delay near the end when I caught up with the pack in my lane. I went past 1 or 2 eventually, but they were swimming at a consistent speed one after the other, so understandably, people were reluctant to let me pass, cos I guess they were already swimming on the toes of the person in front of them.
All my fault for not putting in a quick enough estimated time.....lesson learned. Having said all that, the delay didnt actually bother me in the slightest, cos overall I may have slowed down 10-20 seconds, but seeing as I got a bit more rest, that was energy saved for the bike!
Bike : Really enjoyed myself here, mainly because I was on my brand new bike - first ever racing bike - and I'd only picked it up from the shop 2 days earlier. Its a Willier Lavarede, by the way.
Run : Did an old man's shuffle for the first 2K or so...I just didnt have the energy to get going....however, those around me seemed to be going at a similar speed, so I guess it was acceptable! After this, found plenty of energy and did a good pacy last half of the run, even finishing with a good canter.
Time was 1:17 which I was happy with. No particular target...which is a bit unusual for me in a race...I've usually got some number fixated in my brain which I'm determined to beat!
Comparing to last year, the swim was 750m rather than 500m, but, adding 50% to last year's time, shows I made a 60 second improvement this year which I'm delighted with! Bike : 3.5 mins faster but 1K shorter, and on a more hilly course, both days slightly breezy...I guess thats an improvement. Run : 30 seconds slower on the same course! Hmm...now thats not so good. I think my slow start was where I lost it!
Transitions were faster...actually saved 30 seconds.....
I was in a hurry to get out of there as I wanted to meet the mammy for lunch for her birthday, so didnt stick around for post-race chat and cake...usually an integral part of the day!
Looking forward to Nenagh 2011 already! Print this post
hey kev, great read and photos too - some real determination in the face! when's your next one? and don't forget another wicklow multisport in september.
Fantastic Kevin, brilliant competitive pictures. You are getting some experience under the belt. The London marathon is on as I type - you have an iron distance in your sight now?!
What's the difference between a racing bike and a tri-bike?
Nice one kev. What sort of time you looking at for full length?
Tom....Racing Bike/Tri-Bike : Not sure exactly, but the geometry is different to give a more crouched riding position. Its a time trial, rather than a long road race, so comfort is sacrificed for aerodynamics with a tri bike.
Kev....Doing the Olympic length tomorrow..The target is to beat last year's finishing time of 2:46:36 and position of 118th out of 192. With different wind conditions and different cycling course it won't be like for like, but thats the number I'll be keeping in mind!
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