I had been hearing a little about Kevin Myers article about the Ireland v France rugby match on Newstalkbut had not read it until I was pointed to Ronan O'Gara's letter of response today.
While I would tend to agree with Myers about the insanity of Jerry Flannery's tackle the rest of his piece - which includes such quotes as
- "Ireland did not want to win, and Declan Kidney did not choose a team that could win. His selection of Ronan O'Gara said as much."
- "...but the Irish team that lost in France really was representing Ireland."
- could only be taken seriously in the context of a school debate. Print this post
Myers responds to O'Gara.
I just read myers article now - taking the above 2 quotes out of context (tom) skews things somewhat - I actually agree with much of what Myers says. "For we are comfortable with failure" - somewhat harsh, but an element of truth here? I have huge respect for ROG, but his weaknesses are well documented. I think Sexton would have started in Paris with more game time under his belt - this is borne out by his selection for this weekend's match in Twickenham.
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